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Leonie is an Ethno Psychology Practitioner (EPP) and did her Life Coaching course with Translife.

Leonie is also a Wellness Coach trained by Athma in India and a BWRT  Transformational Coach trained by Terence Watts.

Leonie is a Certified NLP Coach and easily moves between therapy and coaching

Leonie uses BWRT to create successful change 

level 1      level 2     bwrt master coachBWRT 3 new logo

level 1-  General Psychopathology–                             treatment of psychological and behavioral dysfunction

This level gives you the tools needed to create lasting change in self-perception, to create an Ideal self, How to be free.

We begin with an incisive questionnaire which has three distinct functions.

  • It allows us to discover how the client truly sees themselves, their self-identity.
  • It helps the client challenge the negativity of that self-identity, so there will be a greater readiness to accept and believe that change is possible.
  • It encourages exploration of the idea of change, therefore reducing the resistance of the unknown
  • Resolving and finding the client’s Core Identity
  • Amazing results with Addictions
  • Level 3Psychophysiologyis the highest qualification in BWRT®

    (Working with the psychological impact and aspect of physiological illnesses)

In this way, many physical symptomatic responses may easily be managed in a positive manner

Although Level 3 cannot promise a cure for any illness it allows us to work with Autoimmune disorders and many other physiological conditions where psychology plays a part in the experiential process and management of the condition.

Where there is a medical condition we will need to request permission to contact your GP prior to providing any treatment.


Picture: StarPix Photography

Picture: StarPixy Photography

Leonie focuses on the client to achieve their goal and to find the best resources to be successful.

Leonie helps the client to release the past.

Each person is unique and Leonie helps to find a solution for their limiting beliefs.

Leonie will guide you to bring balance and peace of mind into your life.

Transform your challenges to focus on Solutions.

Leonie works one on one session, in groups, and via Skype./online

Leonie is certified as a  BWRT Advanced Level 3 Practitioner (Brain Working Recursive Therapy/Technique) and change behavioral patterns and responses in a short period of time.